This past weekend, Jen and I met out in San Francisco for the big apartment hunt. Between Friday and Saturday night we checked out almost 30 different apartments and ultimately decided on one just …
Crazy Developments
Lots of stuff going on. I am about a month into this engagement in Cleveland. So far, so good. Luckily, my teammates are great, as are the rest of the client folks and my TW comrades. Like any other …
Goodbye Austin
So, this is my last night in Austin. It's good that this week has been low key, since I have so much on my mind it's hard to sit still. Getting ready to head to Cleveland next week for a new project …
Kerry Edwards Supporters Get Wild and Crazy
I don't know what the hell has come over the Kerry/Edwards supporters today with this unbelievable show of violence across the country: - Politics - Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney …
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Monday Evening Ramblings
Looks like Jen will be heading out to California to pay a visit to her company's office there in a couple weeks. If things go well, they could very well end up making her an offer to come out and …
Catching Up
Two big weddings in two big weeks, and we are one away from done with our year of more weddings that we could possibly ever imagine attending. Two weekends ago was Cary and Kristina's wedding in Long …