Note: I found this post that I wrote around Father’s Day in 2017. I really liked it and decided to finish it off. Coming to America My great grandfather, Pietro Monago, settled in a small …
Every day is a gift
I can remember laughing when folks would say things like "cherish every day" as I grew up. When you have your whole life ahead of you, you take time for granted. As I approach my 45th year, I can …
Suddenly Spotify: My Transition to Streaming Music
I have some big news to share this week: I have finally joined the 10's and started listening to streaming music. 😂 I have taken my music collection very seriously my entire life. Even after digital …
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Goodbye Old Year, Hello New: The Best and Worst of 2018
Here's an understatement: It's been a year. I'm happy to say that all is overwhelmingly good. The family has health and good fortune and despite the ups and downs of daily life we have had no major …
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I've allowed myself to wrestle with a number of half finished posts for a while. Today the news has me so overcome with sadness that I have no choice but to post something. Earlier today, an …
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Buyer Beware
I’ve been spoiled. Spoiled in that I’ve had the privilege to work with some pretty amazing software developers in my day. The kind that are always looking to be better at what they do. During …