This just in: Lucasfilm Unveils New 'Star Wars' Title. Does anyone else out there remember when the original "Revenge of the Jedi" posters were out in movie theaters? I do... …
It's a Bird, It's a Plane
This is too funny not to read: Man In Superman Costume Attacks Motorists. Thanks Dave. …
Turning 30
I have now been 30 years old for just over four days, and to some extent I feel the same, but also a bit different. Can I say that I feel old? No... Not really. I mean...just thinking about the …
Birthday Intermission and Random Thoughts
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 30. I'll have a post on that after the weekend is over. In the meantime, here's a couple cool pieces I stumbled across: Another reason why I love computer …
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If You Don't Like Wilco…You're An Idiot. Period.
There are alot of idiots in this world. One of them just wrote this article. Anyone who knows anything knows that Wilco is one of the greatest rock bands....ever. And that's all I have to say about …
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Effective Security
A friend today forwarded me the following article: Terror in the Skies, Again? - WomensWallStreet Now, if after reading this you are not angry, scared and generally thinking that there is something …