This is a greeting from the Temple of the Red Conch, up in the forests north of Beijing. You can guess that I look like I felt after climbing the Great Wall all morning after a late night out with …
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of blogging (Scripting News)
Great post by Dave Winer today on the anniversary of blogging (his creation, along with RSS).To celebrate the 10th anniversary of blogging (Scripting News) …
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Notes from Iran military led to U.S. reversal – International Herald Tribune
Here is a great summary of the events that lead up to the latest NIE in which the Iranian nuclear program was found to have been halted.Notes from Iran military led to U.S. reversal - International …
robots gone buck-wild
Do you remember how Chuck-E-Cheese and Razz-Ma-Tazz used to have those robot shows that would sing and dance. Check out this hack job that someone did to make one into a hip-hop crew over at …
My trip to Beijing
I travelled to Beijing this past week for the Agile China conference where I did a talk on our latest product offering. The experience was fantastic. It was my first time in China and I was able to …
Life in Sydney
I have now officially been in Sydney for more than a month. On the whole, I would say that I have been very fortunate to be on a trip such as this. I stay in a small corporate apartment in the center …