Working close to home has certainly been helpful lately, as it has allowed me to focus on taking care of myself in a way that I hadn’t for a long time.
Whereas I used to work out religiously, I had let that slip away. Now I find myself back on the bike a few times a week, tooling through the woods and winding hills around our home. It’s just wild; I never imagined I would live in such a cool environment.
We’ve also started eating alot better and getting more sleep (I know…I need to go to bed now), and I feel 10x better than I did a couple months ago. As Oskar would say: “I feel like One Hundred Dollars.”
In any event, I’ve had a long day of conference calls and emails which all took longer than I thought, and then I ended up reading a couple of rants by some dudes that think blogging is all about the next generation of public relations (I won’t make their day with a trackback). To me, this is the perfect explanation about why medium has been corrupted just a few years along. 6 years ago, no one wanted to know what a blog is; now everyone has to be syndicated with feeds. Back to the PR thing; what was I referring to? Well…just like the spammers did with email, some guys figured out that if you created a “campaign” to put your message out using the newest technology available (which in this case might be blogs with feeds), you could plant lots of bogus news. Well, guess what, morons? This has been going on for YEARS with every technology and in every industry. Now, it’s just easier. The point is, it’s just not new enough to justify it by calling it PR two dot oh, or anything else. I’m affording it too much attention by talking about it.
I guess I’m just annoyed that people don’t spend more energy on being interesting. There’s still creative folks though. Remember the Blair Witch Project? Now, that was a cool campaign. The only flaw was that they didn’t count on everyone telling their friends about the movie after they saw it.
Jeez. That was a bit of a rant that probably makes little sense since, I’m sleepy. In any event, tomorrow’s a new day. And even better….only one month until Gomez.